去你妈B的!!你滚吧!!你以为你有资格提我的名字吗?你没有!其实,不清楚自已血统的人是你自已。还在我面前拉屎!真恶心!!如果你是中国人的话,你就不应该说出这种白痴的话。作为一个人要知道自已的错在什么地方,并且去改正。像你这种人,只会说别人怎么怎么样,从来不会说自已错了的人,我引你耻!!邪不胜正,你去死吧!!You're a fucking detritus!!Fuck outta here!!I got the gutter,I will jam it up in your stomach,and these bits right here hook intestines,then give it a pull back,you are hanging right out of your stomach.pocy!!You're crack ho!makes mincemeat of your asshole cause you're really shit.You have a runny ass cause you always fart!I know your mom's a crack ho.A horse fucked your mom came!
ばかみたいあなた。君はあなるほとです。めんどくせえ男な!つたく おやじさんが嘆くぞ。あなたてかいだけのど同然役に立つと思いか!