查看2526 | 回复3 | 2007-7-7 21:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What makes me think of you tenderly is the sweet memory,
Dear,we could be the birds,
Flying freely,
Above the blue warm ocean,
Beyond the green cold land,
Forget the time ,although it's flown and gone ,
Forget the world,although it's rotated and changed.

Dear,trust me that we could turn back time ,
So that the love would come back to us,
So I could see the face that only appeared in my dreams,
The kiss,
The kiss you've given to me in the past,
Can you remember again?

Dear,come near me then hold me tightly,
Because my hreat is frozen like the Arctic Ocean now,
The distance betwen us makes me feel dread and sorrowful,
My heart was dead when your heart was cold,
Standing in the middle of the solitude,
I can only cry ,
Standing in front of you,
I can do nothing.

Dear,I believe we are both the meteors in each other's life.
We could miss each other in the rest of life ,


五月飞 | 2007-7-7 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
hope your loved man come back to you later
蜀葵 | 2007-7-8 18:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 李沧海 于 2007-7-7 21:28 发表
What makes me think of you tenderly is the sweet memory,
Dear,we could be the birds,
Flying freely,
Above the blue warm ocean,
Beyond the green cold land,
Forget the time ,although it's ...

too chinglish your way of thinking has not been trasfered into english way

感觉太中国式了  思维没有迁移到英语中去
江南三昧 | 2007-7-17 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
看不懂  白无无.... :L
